Vidéothèque Hips n' tips with Barbara Abeles

Hips n' tips with Barbara Abeles

Yoga Iyengar
200 min
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48,00 €Mini-Workshop 3 Std

À propos du cours

In this workshop, we will be exploring the freedom and the stability of the hip joints. We will also explore what is required for the different padmasanas that are introduced in the Level 2 Syllabus, and how these actions can help you enhance your understanding and your access to different categories of asanas.

Starting with open standing postures, nice and easy hip openers in sitting positions, variations of Vasisthrasana and Padmasana in Sirsasana and Sarvangasana.

À propos de l'entraîneur/professeur

Barbara is a certified Level 3 Iyengar Yoga teacher from Argentina. She has been practicing Yoga for 25 years and Iyengar Yoga for 20 years. Since 2013 until today, she has been visiting the Iyengar Institute in Pune, India, to study every year with the Iyengar family. In 2019, she spent a year living there with her teachers, immersed in her studies and the various practice and teaching spaces offered by the institute, including assisting general and remedial classes. Her classes are active and dynamic. With love and care, she conveys a kind of practice that aims at creating awareness and an understanding of what we do and why at every moment, over the mere execution of asanas. At the same time, her classes convey the aroma of the teachings from Pune. Barbara regularly teaches online classes and workshops for practitioners and teachers from around the world. She also travels around Europe teaching in various cities in Italy, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland and France. She has also taught in the USA, Uruguay, and of course Argentina.